Friday, 10 October 2014

Dear Diary

Still drawing Nautilus shells and planning the final drawings. I used to hate doing this in high school. The whole "process diary" thing used to get under my skin. Most artworks DON'T need it. I know what I am painting or drawing and I go with it. Maybe there's a sketch or rough draft. Maybe a test layout for a calligraphy piece, but that's it. Most of what I need can be carried out in my head first. A diary is, usually, not needed. I had several arguments with art teachers throughout my high school years. And proved on each occasion that all that malarky had not been necessary.

But occasionally something comes along that requires a bit more, and the Nautilus drawings fall into this category, partly because it is drawings plural that all have to work together, partly because I am doing quite different things with each of them and I am not sure about one of them. It still needs to be resolved. Several pages of the sketch book I keep by the computer seem to have become a mini process diary. Who'd have thought?

Look, a diary page. With things on it.

There are three drawings so far. There'll be at least three more. Plus the plans for the framing. Plus the finished works.

At this rate I may have acceptable documentation for HSC art.

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